User Experience Design

At Profound Digital, we are a user experience agency that helps do the thinking for you, and your customers.

Helping You Build Your Brand, Engage Users & Drive Conversions with Our Award-Winning UX Services

Whether you are considering a ground-up UX design, or just a design refresh for a few pages, we’re a UX design agency that always blend the purpose of your website or mobile app with your target audience and what they need from it.

Discover our award winning UX

Our UX Services are Built on Insight

There’s no point changing the aesthetic if it’s not effective – when designing your user’s experience, we take the time to understand your:

  • Target personas
  • Customer journey’s
  • Onsite content
  • Brand guidelines
  • Tone of voice

UX Design Services We Provide

After building our understanding of your digital ambitions and your users, we then:

  1. Create the wireframes and creative designs that bring everything to life – helping your customers better navigate your digital estate, be that a pure information website, an ecommerce site or mobile app.
  2. Improve your digital look-and-feel through modern responsive design, effective signposting, improved navigation, and personalisation.
  3. We provide a Pattern Library to complement your brand guidelines.
  4. To ensure continuous improvement, our optimisation services use A/B testing and heatmap analysis to better understand on-site user behaviours and give you evidence-based insight that make it easier for you to justify ongoing improvements.
Learn more about Profound

Providing CX Insight Alongside UX

A a CX Agency, we provide Customer Experience (CX) Design Innovation services to help Marketers become more effective. Improving your UX design alone does not improve the Customer Experience. Customer Experience considers all the touchpoints in a customer’s journey – both offline and online. UX design considers the way the user interacts with each touchpoint – including your website or mobile app.

The great thing about evidence-based customer research is that it stops all those internal arguments about which design approach is best, which channels to use, and which content is most effective. We often see that businesses have some basic persona research and maybe a limited customer journey map – but often this misses that vital behavioural insight and Voice of the Customer (VoC) perspective that gives you the full context.

We help clients obtain that real-life customer insight and meaningful journey mapping through stakeholder workshops, customer feedback labs, interviews, and other mechanisms to help you truly understand the voice of the customer. Time and again we uncover gems that help clients to design better digital experiences and differentiate their offering.

CX vs UX: What’s the Difference?

We help digital teams design great experiences, make smart technology choices, and deliver successful digital transformations.

Let’s talk about your User Experience Design

Website Build, Design & Strategy Services We Provide